Here's an idea for you:
Write a book about the common excuses and rationalizations JWs use when confronted with TTATT - excuses like "wait on Jehovah", "human imperfection", "who else has the truth / where else to go", "that was in the past", "the light gets brighter", etc
The format could be that you tackle each excuse or rationalization, one at a time. You first mention the name of the excuse as a heading. Then you use sample dialog between a JW and a critic to demonstrate use of the excuse. Then you proceed to analyze and pick apart the excuse showing how and why it's fallacious and/or hypocritical. Then you give a suggested counter response(s) that utterly demolishes and exposes the excuse for the rubbish that it is.
Maybe you can call the book "Hiding Behind Paper Shields" with a sub-theme in smaller print that reads: "The lies they use to defend "The Truth". "Paper Shields" - a metaphorical reference to pitiful excuses and rationalizations used by JWs - would have a double-meaning. The shield is paper in the sense that it is very weak and affords no real protection. It is also paper in the sense that the excuses and rationalizations come to JWs on paper - fed to them in Watchtower literature.
The cover can have a picture of an insecure-looking JW holding up a literal paper shield against an attack. The shield would be painted with crayons to give the impression that they tried to make it look like a real strong shield made of metal, but the color is not convincing. lol.
The book would be an excellent resource for newly awakening ones and even the public that is aware of TTATT. You can think of it as being like the reasoning book for reasoning with JWs but specifically geared at exposing and overcoming their pitiful excuses and rationalizations. it would be an excellent resource for dealing with the rationalizations that elders use on judicial committees when confronted with TTATT by an awake JW.